

S.J apologizes for his long absence and will return to ficlets as soon as he gets out of the hospital -again.

The Backwards Prequel Mania challenge is on it’s way!!!

Okay psyches self up All who may remember me, may recall that period of madness I had a few months ago known as the Contact List Ficlet Marathon.

Now we all know that I wouldn’t be so stupid as to try anything like that again…

Well of course I wouldn’t. It was too easy.

Sooo. Well, All I’m going to say is Backwards Prequel Mania Challenge. My simple intention with this little fellow is to write a prequel for one each of my contact lists ficlets, blending the prequel into their ficlet while at the same time each of my prequels will be part of a chain of stories written in reverse. Yes, the first prequel will be the final one and the rest will be leading away to the beginning of the story. I have no idea what the story is and don’t even have an ending to start with, so this one is going to be fuuuuuun!

Sounds tough? Don’t worry I have on my steel clad jockstrap, nuclear insecticide and have several packages of pure caffeine on hand. I’ll also attempt to limit the number of sequels I write each day so as not to flood the list.

Oh and if you wanna make it easier for me, then let me know you want to join my contact list, and give me more prequels I can write and more chance of making a decent backwards story from it. I’ll start this in a couple of weeks so you’ll all have time to send me a note.

P.S. If you feel up to the challenge why don’t you try this too. We can have Backwards Prequel Mania together – mwahahahahaha.

It’s done. The Contact List Ficlet Marathon challenge is over. Thank you all for your patience.
The challenge was to write a coherent story, in ficlets, by sequeling each contact on my contact list once. And by blending the sequel/story to the ficlet it is being sequeled to. Ack! If that makes any sense. So if you see (CLFM#) sequeled to ya, you’ll know what it is.

PS. If I’m on your contact list and you’re not on mine send me a note. I’m always pleased to make a new contact. :)

When I’m not doing insane things like the CLFM I’m an aspiring Fantasy, SF and Romance author. Two epublished books but no print sales yet. I’m just some harmless and eccentric Brit guy trying to make a name and living off the carcasses of thousands of poor, innocent readers.
Addendum: Yay! just heard that my second novel, Poseidon VII, is scheduled for print release in spring 2008

Warning – Most folks don’t understand my sense of humour, so please don’t be offended if my sequels of your ficlets aren’t quite what you expect.

Stories (208)