
The Butcher

“New shipment arrived, sir.”
“Excellent. Put them in the freezer”
“It’s mostly poultry sir, and the poultry space is full.”
“Well, then figure it out, I can’t micromanage everything.”
“How about in the rabbit space? No one ever buys rabbit.”
“Of course people buy rabbit.”
“Really sir? The accounts say…”
“Look who’s the butcher here, you or me?”
“You sir.”
“In fact, I know a lady who’s coming for a rabbit later. I have a big white one ready.”
“Sir, that rabbit hasn’t been prepared. It’s still…”
“I know. Someone keeps interrupting me.”
“Sorry sir. I’ll pack the poultry.”
“Now what?”
“There’s a live chicken in this shipment.”
“What? What?
“That one.”
“Where is this shipment from?”
“China sir.”
“Right. The China delivery. I’ll handle this while you man the storefront.”
“Really sir? A promotion!”
“Right, I’ll be in the freezer.”
“Whatever you say sir.”
“Excellent. Excellent. The time is nigh. The manuscript was right. Bird flu plus dead rabbit equals zombie rabbit.”

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