
The Legend of Batak Beatrix

Many moons ago, a group of undergraduates studying anthropology stayed up far in to the night, speaking of the world at large and the injustices being done to students everywhere. They spoke of the need for champions, with secret powers that could combat the evil of their professors and later, the world.

“Well, why shouldn’t it be us?â€? one girl asked, mischief in her eyes. “Who knows better how to fight the evil that presses upon us than those who study the past?”

Their faces aglow with the hysteria that comes from all-night paper writing, they formed what would be known as the world’s very first anthropological gang. Each took a name as their own, indicative of their special power. Thus the legendary Switchblade Susie, Cavalry Calhoone, Rip Rio, Atl Atl Ana, and Nebulous Nero were born.

And what of that girl with the pirate smile? Imbued with the power of the ancient staff that has now passed down into Indonesian legend, she has been likened to the fierce Norse Valkyries of old.

She became Batak Beatrix.

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