
I'm Just A Girl

Ella wanted to be in drama desperately.
She knew she could get in. After all, she had been acting all her life. She didn’t have much of a choice.
Ella bored people. Her name defined her perfectly: girl.
She was noone, everyone knew that. Her “friends” knew it perfectly well as they started fights that would leave her crawling back crying. Slowly, her dignity ebbed away. She was a shell, only there to lift people up by degrading herself.
Then came The Boy.
Ella didn’t know his name, didn’t need to. She knew he was a jerk, like every other guy in the class. What else could she expect of him?
But there was something different about him. He smiled at her. It was only once, and his smile was crooked and full of metal, but he smiled.
He was the reason Ella got into drama that year. And the next. And the freshman year, when agents came to see a play.
They called both Ella and The Boy up, to tell them they could get a job. They both accepted.
And now, as they act together, who knows who Ella will be?

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