

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out but silence. He tucked the club into his belt. “Perhaps the services I provide aren’t the quality that are offered in the next town. But if we weren’t so short on money, and didn’t have to depend on handouts from people such as yourself…”

The man waved his arguments away. “More money is not the issue. You collect more than enough from me to provide extravagantly when it comes to your own personal needs.”
The cufflinks winked dully in the torchlight.
“If the school and clinic don’t have enough money, it is due to nothing more than your ineptitude and mismanagement.”
Sam shrugged, his face beginning to redden. “Fine. Like I said, this is democracy, you’re welcome to vote at the next town meeting for anyone you wish…”

The man laughed, short and bitter. “For who? For your brothers? You’re all the same. And don’t pretend that I could run. I would be decried as an outsider, an incompetent. Your own family.”

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