
Making it Off the Subway

The subway; now why should i be on this subway?!?

This was all Shana could be thinking of at this point. She’s been suffering Angoraphobia since she was 12. Angoraphobia is a fear of being in places where it might be difficult or embarassing to exit. But she needed to get to the hospital. She needed to get there now. Her older sister had gotten into a car accident and was in a serious condition. Shana, who was scared to death of not only her sister’s health, but her life ( with the phobia at the minute ), sat alone in the back, holding onto a rail beside the seat, sweat forming on her upperlip.
The minute the doors opened at her stop, she stumbled through all of the people to get out first. She went to the bathroom, dabbed some water on her face, and walked 3 blocks to the hospital. Once she got there, she asked for her sisters room, only to find out that it was a false alarm, her sister was at home and untouched.
This was the day Shana realized, she can overcome this phobia.

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