
A Shadow, Grandmom & Me as a Ghost : [Dream Challenge]

I was being chased by a figure clad in black. It got closer, I looked into what should have been a face, no face was there.

It lunged toward me. ( I awoke startled, but glad I was awake).
The next night the shadow ( as I had begun to refer to it ), had returned.
But I was a ghost who could walk through walls to escape from the shadowy figure.
I was making ghost noises until I found my voice. I was able to move objects by thinking of them.
I was aware that I was a ghost and was trying to solve my own murder.
I walked through a wall into a room in a mansion, that looked like a shrine to a loved one whom had died.

I felt a presence in the room.

The shadow approached me and said,
“What are you doing here?, “It is not yet your time.”

A door opened, my grandmother and a kid I knew who was murdered, stood in the doorway. (I woke up).

The weird part is I was informed recently that the grave stones of my grand mom and that boy are next to each other at the cemetery.

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