
Sucky Poem about writing a Sucky Poem

Writing a poem…ladeedah…
Go to “write”, poise fingers, search mind…
search mind….
Crap. Stratch that ladeedah, poems are hard.

Trying to write a poem….hmmm….
Go to “Your Ficlets”, page three, pick a random poem…
How did I do these?
Crap. I can’t remember.

Begging to be able to write a poem…
Go to mind, call on muses, beg them to muse me….
Still begging…..
Crap. I just remembered. I don’t have any Muses.

Failing to write po- Hold up! Look!
I wrote a poem! Yeah, up there!
It even has verses and repetition and-
Wait. Repetition is bad…
Crap. My poem sucks.

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