
Leave Nothing To Chance.

There was a a light across the field, it shine directly at the barn window. it caught me as I went pass the barn door, I tryed to look in the direction it was comming from when I heard a loud piercing noise a voice came after the noise and it was very faint. I ran to get the truck to drive in its direction, I came up on a smokey hill, the voice got louder as it was calling for help, as I approched the rock where the smoke was I got out of the truck and walk directly around the hill. There he was laying outside of his car holding a mirror in which the light came from.

I reach for my cell phone and call 911 he reach for my hand as I started to ask him his name he called out mine first, It left me with a strange feeling as to who he was and how he knew my name. the rescue squad came and they ask if I would ride to the hospital with him for some strange reason I said yes, he grabed my hand and his eyes met mind then I knew for all things has a meaning we must follow it until we find the truth. he was mine.

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