
One Thing Remains the Same: A View from Above

I see you there.

The streams of 0’s and 1’s formed the words in the machine’s mind.

The infrared images reflected in the camera eyes of The Great One. He stood perfectly still as he transmitted to the mothership.

The two taller minions looked right past him. The small one seemed to have pinpointed his exact location.

He could not believe the power there was to consume on this blue planet, called Earth by its inhabitants.

Weak and mushy as they were, they had amazing software installed into their tiny round hardrives.

Their Creator must be a proud being. It had only one flaw in the design of its robot minions. They were so easily destroyed.

If The Great One could capture one of these minions and bring it safely back to the home planet, he could truly carry the name in which he had called himself in solitude.

The creators on his own world could clone the soft outer covering and he would be the first to volunteer for the upgrade.

For now, he would play with this atmosphere again.

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