
Fate Delivered (Daniel Gate)

Daniel stared at the enormous yacht for a only a second before walking confidently down the dock. There were a few lights on inside the boat.

“Hello?” he called out.

A man appeared on the top deck and looked down at him. “Daniel Gate?” he asked. His voice had an Irish lilt.


The man tossed a package down to him. Daniel caught it easily. It was a small box, carefully wrapped in brown paper. “What is this? Who are you?”

The man smiled. “I’m the client. That’s all you need know.”

“But where am I supposed to go now? Where am I taking this?”

The man on the boat shrugged. “How should I know, boyo? I was just told to give that to you. You’re the delivery boy. Go, deliver.”

He turned away and disappeared below deck.

“Wait, that’s it?! No directions? No clue? No rhyme?!” Daniel felt like the game was slipping away from him.

“Daniel Gate!” another male voice called out. Daniel turned and saw the cabby walking towards him. “My name is Nate.”

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