
Finding a Way Out

‘Where am I?’ Abbie thought when she awoke. She looked beside her and saw Alexia. “Alexia?” She whispered. “Alexia, wake up.”
Alexia groaned quietly as she slowly woke up. “Where are we?” She asked.
“I’m not sure. All I remember is we were on a walk and some monster type thing came out of no where and attacked us. We must be in it’s cave.” Abbie answered thoughtfully.
“We have to find a way out of here.” Said Alexia fearfully. “And we need to do it before that thing comes back.”
Abbie nodded in agreement. Just beyond them they saw a dark tunnel. It was just tall enough for them to stand up and walk.
“Let’s try this tunnel to see where it leads…but we have to be quiet in case that thing is still here.” Abbie said calmly.
“Lead the way.” Alexia said.
They followed the tunnel until they came to a big opening in the cave. Before entering it they looked around cautiously for the beast. When they saw that it appeared to be clear, they walked on to the next dark tunnel.

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