
Do you believe me?

a lie detactor machine.” they really did think I was nuts they will never believe that machine. 10 minutes later after they were getting the stupid macine ready, they pushed it on and my palms were sweating and my face was a hot pink and even my legs were shaking. I sat in the seat in the pale room, with just a table and the cheif with the machine and some papers, I bet there was a secret window watching my every move like in those movies. I told them everything until the begginging of this mess, the first day of school. They drove me home and said they will tell me the results tommorow. Even when I went to my house they all looked at me guilty they didn’t even believe, even my little sister who adores me, stayed away like I was a monster. I locked myself in my room and called Margret. After, I told her everything at the police station I said to her “What should we do?”
” I have no clue what you are talking about this is your mess not mine. Ok I want to be friends but you can’t be a werido.”
“What-dial tone

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