
Troy Can Be So..

Chelsea talked to Troy for half an hour. Lindsay could see her getting frustrated.
“Chels, calm down. We’ll get through this. What’s he saying now?” Lindsay asked.

“He’s telling me nothing changed, we got more serious, and a bunch of other crap. We’ve only been dating for like 3 months for heavens’ sake!” Chelsea hissed at me.

“I know Chels. Tell him that then. Tell him your only just 14 and have plenty of time to be more serious later.” Lindsay said.

What the hell Chelsea! Can’t I ever talk to you when your not ignoring me and talking to one of your other friends? Do I mean that little to you?” Troy shouted through the phone. Chelsea winced.

“Troy, listen. I’m not ignoring you. And-” Chelsea started before Troy cut her off again. She was so frustrated now. “Talk to me when you realize I care.” With that Chelsea closed her phone and threw it onto Lindsay’s bed.

“Your turn Linds..” Chelsea’s voice came up muffled from Lindsay’s comforter.
Sigh Here goes nothing.” Lindsay said dialing.

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