
But I Don't Want to Just leave

I blinked looking at him. I don’t want to just leave, I want to..

Stop doing that!” His voice was trembling from his anger. “Speak if you want to speak and leave if you want to leave.” A sparkle in his eyes. Was he about to erupt fully in flame? Oh man. At least I didn’t blink out this time. Could be that he still held me fastly in this plane.

I cleared my throat. It felt really weird, as though I’d had a breathing tube cramped into my windpipe for way too long. “How?” I boldly asked. Okay, not boldly, my voice cracked like a boy who has reached that age where he can’t carry on a conversation without sounding like a record being stopped and started then put on fast.

The old geezer laughed. He stood right there and laughed in my face. My eyebrows knitted together. I absolutely hated being laughed at. I felt a glow from within. Looking down at my hands I could see them, not like I normally saw them. They truly looked solid. Or, not totally transparent anymore.

His laugh ended abruptly.

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