
Time after time....(Post-it's challange)

Every day it’s the same thing.
Post-it notes, a creme soda, and a package of honey rosted peanuts.
And every day she gives me excact change.
I used to wonder if she ever got tired of getting the same thing, and then I just got used to it. I used to wonder if she went home and lost the package of post -it’s or made a castle out of them or something.
Then I just didn’t care.
Same old same old.
So when one day she came in and didn’t get anything but post -its I was confused.
Why change the pattern?
Why not just get the usual, and put them some where, for the sake of my sanity?
I pondered this and knew it would stay in my mind for a while…

I decided toget back into his mind today.
I could tell he was starting to get used to what I always bought.
I didn’t want that to happen.
As I was leaving, only a pack of post -its in hand I swiftly looked back to see his reaction.

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