
The Master of Games

I was the master. None dared challenge me.

The world of games was mine. Riddles. Checkers, chess. All games of chance and cunning. Lady luck was my mistress, and I her prince on a white horse.

Throughout all the world, none could outwit, outbluff, or outmaneuver. Through the Indies, east and west. Through China and Africa. Through the old world and new. All was my oyster, and victory my pearl.

I invited the best and the brightest, commissioned countless new games. All fell. None pleased.

I was the duke, the prince, the czar, the pharaoh!

I had the streets of Zaiachiy paved with gold and silver hexes, upon which I dueled with the armies of Alexander, Leonidas, Tsao-Tsao, Caesar, Xerxes, and Khan.

I cornered Madame Chang on the Neva, I felled brave Lancelot with mighty double sixes!

And then that hag dared challenge me. I had her thrown from the palace.

But now, I am the knight nothing. The prince of paupers. The ace of addiction.

That witch’s curse? A game with no end. No victory.


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