
Challenge You to Examin Your Self(50th ficlet)

I stop and watch the butterfly’s race thru the corn fields, oh how beautiful I thought they were. How free and uninhibted they must be to roam and fly this great pasture full of life.

Life had always been such a curiosity to me, although my own life is not that interesting but nature has a spark and a freeness that we as humans could never esperience in a life time.

the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees, they all know what their purpose is, oh how we all should know what our purpose is.

We go through life with all its bumps, hurts and pains, and we seldom even understand it all. Nature has no conscious that tells it that is is wrong and or it has made a misteak, It cannot think it only is and it reacts without thought and or reason.

What if we as humans had that character and along with a positive conscious and understanding how much of a difference it would make. My challenge to you is this, write about one uninhibted thing, thought and or positive difference you have made in life.

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