
Not Human (In the Mode for Love Challenge)

“So what! So what that he’s a robot Clarice! Humans can have aspirations too! It was just one kiss in the park!”

“Alice, please. He…it…its not human.”

“He’s not an it, his name is Herman.

“What kind of name is Herman? Alice, you are beside yourself. Why can’t you have a normal, working relationship with a man? A human man. Of mammal descent”

“Clarice, people marry robots every day!”

“Yeah, pervos! Commitmentophobes! People with fetishes. You aren’t one of them Alice! Why can’t you be more like me? I’ve got husband and he’s great with the kids…”

“Herman is great with kids.”

“Alice, its a nanny bot. Its programmed to be good with them.”

“Well Clarice, I don’t care what you say. Herman and I have a date tonight.”

“Gross, where is it taking you?”

“We’re going to the park, to talk…”

“So what if it takes you home, then what are you going to do? Huh?”

“Clarice! Not on our first date!”

“Oh, god, Alice…”

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