
Not Gonna Fit

I know your probably thinking what could have possibly happened to the narrator of this stories. Well, I will tell you because I am the narrator. My name is Natasha Nerrives and this is the story of when one of my friends becomes a backstabbing….best friend.

It all started a couple of months ago when my friend Trinka Hansforth started hanging out with the “populars”. I don’t really have anything against the populars we just don’t really get along. Our tastes in everything are different and to put it nicely we aren’t compatable. Trinka made friends with the most popular popular of all: Leesha Nickles. Leesha is a slut. Most of the populars are but Leesha is the head. They started hanging out and Trinka didn’t have anytime for her bestest bestest friends, like me.

SO of course being the person I am I told her like it is. She didn’t like it and so she did something so horrible it’s not gonna fit in this ficlet….

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