
Riding a Car with Axes

We were a few miles from my house when she began staring at me in the rear view mirror. What is she looking at? Why won’t she say anything?

I stared back, remaining silent. Remember, I’m not in the car, I’m outside the car. Okay, physically I’m inside the car, but really I’m outside the car. I continue to get nervous as she turns right down a dark road instead of left toward my house. I was about to ask her what she was doing, but then we hit a speed bump and I flew off the back seat, hitting my head on the ceiling of her Honda. Ouch! A Honda headache.

Anyway, she smiled at me as she increased speed. Something was eerily wrong. At the next red light or stop sign I’m going to jump out.

“Where are you going?” I finally asked her. “I thought you were taking me home.”

She said nothing. I noticed a red light up ahead so I prepared to make a break for it. This chick is nuts. The car stopped. But before I could exit the back seat, she locked the doors on me. I then saw an axe in the front seat.

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