
Sisterhood Part 3 (New Beginnings Series)

“Well I guess we have two things to celebrate.â€?
“Yes, we do….wait, two things?â€?
“Well, I saw Jay a few weeks ago.â€?
“You mean your ex-boyfriend Jay that you were in love with for years and then he dropped you as soon as he got some money?â€?
“Yes that Jay.â€?
“Ummmm, he’s back in town?â€?
“Yea, he is opening a law-firm here. He was here for the weekend, looking for an apartment. It was weird because I was thinking about him a lot lately and then out of no where, I ran into him. I missed him Yas and although I was mad at him for leaving me, all my anger left when I saw him. We talked for hours. He missed me too and he regrets leaving me. So, after our long talk, we decided to get back together. I know we’re going a little fast but I also told him that he could move in with me.â€?

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