
Ego Libido Amo Tu In Aeternum, 3

Sephith began by calling a volunteer up. Varagas went up; he was, by far, the bravest of the class. “Conecntrate,” Sephith directed, “on a strong, emotional memory.” The heavily robed student nodded, tensed his face, and after about a minute or so, his hands began to glow blue. “That is raw kai-mana. Now, since this meadow is burgeoning with magrass, summoning mana and ki will be incredibly easy.” Varagas responded “But it still hurts so much!” He didn’t need to say a word, the expression on his face showed it. “That is your work for the day,” Sephith spoke after a few minutes, “to master, or at least grip the summoning of kai-mana. It will be much harder outside of this meadow, so I’d recommend that you train here.” And at that, we all got up, spread out, and began the kai-mana summoning.

I cleaned of all thoughts besides the instruction, to force kai-mana into my hand, and searched my memory for a strong, emotional memory. All I could seem to find was a dark memory, a tragic moment in my life.

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