

She sucked at condolences. She didn’t know how to give them. And she didn’t want to either. She never wanted their condolences so what would make her think they’d want hers.

And yet there this girl stood crying because she had lost her aunt. Sure it was hard. It down right sucked. But what was she suppose to say? What was she suppose to do? It wasn’t going to make it better. It wasn’t going to bring her back.

So why do people expect them? Expect you to say “Oh I’m so sorry.” Or “I’m praying for your family,” when everyone knows you aren’t. You do care, you just forget. As soon as you walk away, other things fill your attention. Other thoughts take priority. Other prayers, that is if you even actually pray.

For this reason, the condolences they gave when she said her Grandpa was dying, made her angry. She didn’t say it because she wanted their sympathy she just stated a fact. “How are you today?” “Well, my day sucks. My Grandpa’s going to die.” “Oh ok. That sucks.” Why can’t someone just say the truth?

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