
The Most Foolish Traveler in the World

A traveler was on a journey. He was believed stupid for he was easily tricked. People took advantage of that and asked him for his belongings. They would say, “This will really help,” and the traveler will always be happy saying “Take it then” and tears would stream down his face. Eventually he become naked and gave away all belongings. He went into the forest because he was ashamed to be seen and met the monsters who lived in the forest. The monsters took advantage of the traveler too and since the traveler was so easily fooled, he gave up his arms and legs when the monsters asked. He ended up with being nothing but a head and gave his eyes to the last monster he met. The monster said “Thank you. For this, I’ll give you something in return,” but that was a lie. It was a piece of paper with the word “FOOL” written on it. Still, the traveler cried saying “Thank you, thank you. This is the first time anyone has given me anything. Thank you.” Tears kept streaming down from his eyes sockets and he died later on..

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