
The Happy Ending Part 3

“Honey, this boy, I think he’s… tired of waiting.. When are you going to be home?” “Mom, I just got out of the theater, I’ll tell Daniel to drive me home now.” She hangs up. “Daniel, drive me home now.”

“Where is she? WHERE IS SHE ?!” He has a gun, pointing it at the father. “She’s coming home now. Please, let him go!” He slowly puts the gun down and starts straightening himself up. He walks to the living room and sits down, as if nothing happened…

The girl got to the house and saw the house lights opened. There was someone in the living room… she doesn’t recognize him. She got out of the car with Daniel and walked up to the front door. She slowly puts the key in and wonders, “What was the tone Mom had with me before?”...

The three people inside heard the doorknob turn. The boy started to get up and walk towards the door, to open the door for his love. He was halfway to the door when the door opened….

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