
The Trap (6)

John: Katie, get out of the car.
Me: No. Stay away from me.
John: Get out. Don’t make me angry.
Me: I could care less if you were angry.
John: What did you say?
Me: You heard me.
John: Oh goddammit!

Patrick sat frozen in fear, he gave up completely on trying to start the car. We were already trapped. Suddenly, John flung the door open and grabbed me. My hand was ripped from Patrick’s. John pinned my arms back as I attempted to free myself.
Me: Let go! Ow!
I screamed as he pushed me forward, hitting my face on the car. Patrick ran to help and he struggled to get a hold of me.
Me: He was drinking! He was just drinking! He’s only like this when he’s drinking! Let go!
Patrick managed to hold my hand as I shoved on John to let me go. I couldn’t fight John off, he was too strong and my cheek was burning.
John: You told him! You told someone! I told you never to tell anyone! Why don’t you listen?

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