
inhale, exhale

Beat beat
Beat beat
Even sitting here, now, I can almost not explain it
Explain that feeling
That feeling that even in the deepest, darkest and cruelest of nights
That something more rips your heart
A yearning, a needing, a wanting so deep
Even the beating of your heart cannot quiet it
A passion so deep that you keep it a secret
Or even a joke
Beat beat
Beat beat
The feeling creeps up on you
Like the breath of a thousand plea’s
And the tears that fall from your eyes to your dreams
As it crawls like a spider up to your brain
You watch in the dark
The dark, a dark, so deep and quiet
That it plays tricks on your eyes
With its shadows that prowl the night and lurk in the corners
Beat beat
Beat beat
This is all I want
This is all I want
This is all I want
You say, you scream, you whisper, you pray
But really, dear child, dear child that is me
Isn’t it all everyone wants?
Beat beat
Beat beat

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