
Happiness Is

A tuft of hair so dark
and glit-ter-ing, curious eyes
She tee-tered ‘cross the floor
and took us by surprise.
our ba-by’s first word
Hap-pi-ness is
our ba-by’s first—word

My joy, my love
and a nev-er-end-ing world,
Hap-pi-ness is
the little girl here.

The book on the shelf
Bat-tered and old
A whole ‘nother u-ni-verse’s
about to unfold…
A worthwhile story
Hap-pi-ness is
a worth-while story

My joy, my love,
and a never-ending world,
Happiness is
the book in my arms.

The house is dark—
but one flame’s left a-burn-ing
One small can-dle
a light e’er turning…
The candle left to burn
Hap-pi-ness is
the candle left.

My joy, my love,
and a never-ending world
Happiness is
the lonely light.

My joy, dear
My love is yours
Us to-ge-ther, here…
My-y hap-pi-ness

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