
Band Geek

Many of my friends either are in band or they were. Some of my friends don’t realize how awesome band really is. No matter if it is a school band or a band that you came up with and you practice in your garage. You will truely know who your friends are when they support you in what you do and not how you do it. When your friends judge you harshly, you get this sense of feeling that you are not appreciated.
Just recently I met someone that is in band. We hung out for a little while. Now we talk just about every night. Everyone thinks that I like him…but just because we talk does that mean that I like him? I don’t think so. You can have a very good relationship with someone and not like them. I asked him if he liked the poem that I wrote and he went on and on about how good it was. I told my best friend and she said, “Yep, he likes you.” I was like why would he like me. She told me that when he says something like what he said, thats what it means. So he likes me and I think we are just friends.

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