
His Alarmingly Purple Face

“But, what?” I stammered.
“NO! Get out!”
“But I was gonna get the money, I just need-”
“No! This is too big of a mistake! You might cost me my job! So it’s only fair that yours goes too!” He face was getting redder and redder, verging on purple. I’ve never actually seen anyone’s face turn purple. I stood there, watching its progress.
“Why are you still doing here?! Leave so I can sort this out!” His eyes were so wide, they looked like they were going to pop out.
I reminded myself to be mad, “You can’t just-”
“I can do whatever the hell I want! Leave!” Alright now I was mad. Which was a problem. When I get mad I can’t speak. Really, the words won’t come out right. I wanted to yell though, yell and smash that purple face of his. I lifted my fists, lowered them, and stormed out.
CRASH I looked up. I had forgotten about the lightening. But I was too mad to care. So what if I got hit? Then maybe my boss would feel guilty for making me leave and walk home in a thunderstorm. Ha. It would serve him right.

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