
Writers Start

He sat at his desk, at home stairing out into the yard, a nice spring breeze came through the shear curtins as he thought about his next adventrue to write about.

He tap the end of the eraser of his pencil along the cornner of the desk.

Pondering about where Frank in his series of explots would go next, he smiled at the fact that he had a winner in his six novel and the 7th would really put things on firer.

He could not get around the fact that this book must be right in order to do others. He gasped for air and look up at the fan in the ceiling twirling around as if idea’s were being spun out of control.

Who, What, and Where would Frank go now? He look at the blank page to the microsoft window and staired a whole right through it. He started tapping his feet and then his leg started jumping. He knew it would not be long before the ideas would come pouring out.

He sat up streight in the chair and raised his wrist to the key board this was part of his thought process, just then he started…...

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