
An Easter Story Inspired by Patricia Bray's Blog

Working for S.A.D., the Spy Aids Department, became intriguing with the Nanomachine breakthrough.

My Nanofingernaillaser excelled-until Agent ohoh4 aerated his sinuses while picking his nose.

On the heels of that defeat, Dan, left a chocolate bunny on my desk to cheer me up. After my Stun -the – Bunny routine I bit off its head, chewed and swallowed the delicious treat.

“No, no, no!” Dan came in my office, horrified and wailed, waving a Playstation controller in his hand.


“You just ate the prototype Nanoenslaver. It was in the head.”

“What? Ouch! Feels like pins in my eyes.”

“It’s attached to your optical nerves.”

“My ears!”

“Aural nerves.”

“Urgh.” I crossed my legs and fell into a fetal position.

“I don’t know why it attached there.”

When the pain stopped, Dan knelt down. Checking me I guess.

“Well, since you’re wired let’s test it. Lemme see.”

He jiggled a joy stick. My head flipped from right to left.

“Cool,” Dan said. “Let’s show you to the boss.”

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