
Office Joke

No, No, as she yelled across the room in rage!!!! “I will not let you all hurt me any more.” The room crew silent as everyone look at her as if she had spun out of control and lost her mind.

Tisa, was so fed up of the office gossip about her that she stood in the middle of the floor and called each person who had ever said anything about her out.

“Terry you have a nerve to say anthying, you continue to lie and cheat on your wife and even though you married A typical blond with no brains that is still wrong.”

“Carter, how dare you talk about my teeth when, you had braces and they still did not work,”

” I am so tired of not taking up for my self, this is a new year and this will be a new me, so anyone who wishes to continue this conversation meet me in the employee lounge.”

She walk towards the lounge with a happy and gleeful look on her face, everyone’s mouth hung open in shock that she even said anything.

“Tisa, Tisa, what is wrong with you?”

“You people needed a wake up call.”

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