

Two officers in military uniform marched in and stood in front of the class. Emily Parker, matching their stance and determination, marched up to face them. She stood erect as a woman on trial.

“I understand we have an issue of insubordination here,” one stated.

Mrs. Strong replied “Yes” as Emily said “No insubordination, sir, I am just exercising my right to maintain political neutrality and only show support to one government, God’s Kingdom.”

The class gasped. The officer questioned, “Are you denying any involvement in anti-government revolutionary activity?”

“I have never been engaged in such activity. No, Sir.”

“Then you understand that by law you must participate in the Pledge of Allegiance.”

“I’m sorry, Sir, but I have a higher law I must abide to. I must obey God rather than men.”

“Then I’m afraid you must face the consequences for your decision. By the law we must detain you and you will be tried as a treason to your country. This is war time, we cannot tolerate such actions.”

“I understand.”

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