
Borat and the Chicken

The crowd went into silence. Then chaos broke out. People were running everywhere, unable to see the in the darkness.
“Hehe.” The Chicken snickered amidst the reigning chaos.
“Yes…verrry nice.” Borat added.
“Thank you for helping me with this emm…project Mr. Borat. You are too kind.”
“Sexytime.” Borat replied. The Chicken shook his head.
“So dim witted yet so helpful.” The Chicken mutttered. Suddenly, sirens filled the crowds eardrums.
“Uh oh better get out.” The chicken said to Borat. They ran out the door without a single eye noticing.
“Ok we need a disguise…” The Chicken thought aloud.
“Ooh I will be Ali G!” Borat announced. The chicken rolled her eyes. This should be a loooong day.

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