

Luna bent over a sink and stared in the mirror. Her eyes had turned yellow, with a slit for a pupil. She covered her eyes with her hands and groaned. Why did this happen? Now she couldn’t even open her eyes. Her cellphone rang. Luna was surprised that there was actually signal in the girls’ bathroom.

“Luna, get home. Now.” It was her mother’s voice.
“W-what? Why?” Luna sputtered.
“I’ll be waiting at the gate,” her mother said, and she hung up.

Luna stared at the phone in her hand. She decided not to go against the orders. But how could she go out? Someone would notice her eyes, surely.

Perfect! Luna fumbled in her pocket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. She put them on, and hurried back to class just as the bell rang. As Luna walked out of the bathroom, she bumped into someone. Luna fell to the floor, her sunglasses spinning from her head.

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