
This Ought to be Fun

“Sarah!” I pushed myself away from Brandon with a sheepish look on my face. He turned to our secretary, Ms. Clemens, “I’m sorry for my little fit just a second ago.” He looked at me again and walked out of the office. The rest of the day passed in a blur but I do remember I couldn’t stop smiling.
The next morning I set my stuff down in the cafeteria next to Veronica and got my library book out. All around me people were trying to finish math, since it was our first hour, and soon my reading was interupted with pleas for help. Finally, sitting down again I felt a tap on my shoulder, “I guess you should’ve finished it last night.” They tapped again and I turned around with a murderous glare before seeing Mr. Hoving, the principal. “Oh.”
He smiled and told me to go the office. ‘What did I do?’ I thought nervously. When I saw Brandon sitting by the desk my worries went away, “You had something to do with this didn’t you?” Ms. Clemens told me I’d be showing him around the school today. “This ought to be fun.”

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