
Shedding Light

“MOM! We have a visitor!” Luna yelled, unstrapping her backpack.
“Really? Who?” Iris popped up, cheerful. “He has to go before sundown though, darling.”
“It’s alright, Mom, he knows that I turn into a wolf,” Luna sighed.
Iris yelped. “WHAT?! He KNOWS ?! You’re not supposed to tell anyone!” Iris whined.
“Well, I did. Tough,” Luna opened the refrigerator. Picking out her bottle, she opened it and took a long draught of cold milk.
“And anyways- is he one of your classmates?” Iris asked.
“Yes, he is!” Luna said, irritably.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk as if I wasn’t in the room,” Mark piped up.
“Sorry, Marky,” Luna put her arm around Mark’s shoulder. “Anyways, there this nutso chasing after us. His name is Abaddon Chekkov. Does the name ring any bells?”
“Chekkov? You sure?”
“Sure as there are wolves to mountains,” Luna gave a wolfish smile.
“Then you got yourself a wolf-hunter,” Iris said.
“Oy! It’s not like we’re vampires or something!”
“We’re different. It counts as offence,” Iris sighed.

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