
GET OUT Part 2 (New Beginnings Series)

“Hey baby,” Jay said. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“Well you were supposed to be home by 9, so we could celebrate 6 months of being together.”
“Oh well, I got caught up at work.”
“And you just neglected to call me and let me know.”
“I was busy ok?”
“You’re always busy. I was here worried about you thinking something was wrong. Ugh you do this all the time.”
“If I do it all the times, then you should be used to it.”
“Excuse me, I should be used to it? Wow, so that’s how you feel?” Stique did not even wait for a reply, she walked into the bedroom, shut and locked the door.
“What are you doing in there?” No answer came from the other side of the door and Jay went and sat on the couch waiting for her to calm down.

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