
Mystery Writing

Anna was the eldest of the three, and therefore believed herself to be queen. Naturally.

Anna glared meaningfully at Erin. “You take her back,” she hissed.

Erin shook her head subtly. “No! You!”

“I’m hungry!” wailed Lissy beside them, tears poring down her chubby little face.

“Take her back to Grandma!” Anna yelled over Lissy’s moans, which were crescendoing at an alarming rate.


“Do it!”

They continued like this for a while. In the end, Erin gave in, as they all could have guessed she would. Erin, being the cousin rather than the sister, felt more sympathy for the little girl.

When Erin scooped the howling girl up in her arms, made a face over her shoulder, and departed, Anna turned back to the photographs.

She turned over the one showing a family portrait. On the back, some dates were scribbled under a few setences. The handwriting was impossible for Anna to decipher. Erin would be able to, but Erin was long gone.

Now all Anna could do was wait for her return.

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