
Please leave the planet

The fundamental laws of flying a planet are actually quite simple. They involve finding some force powerful enough to move it and figuring out how to trigger that force without blowing the planet up. This would still move it, just not in the direction intended.

There is one other way to move a planet but it isn’t talked about as it involves making the planet so noxious that the planets nearest it kick it out.. which wasn’t hard as the planet in question was made of milk and cheese.

Flandip and Tobin looked warily at the docking station their soon-to-be space bound planet was near. A 1 ,000 foot long knife hovered nearby.

“So… let me get this straight.”, Flandip said quizzically. “You are going to ‘cut the cheese’ and…”.

Flandip looked at Tobin, who was quickly putting on something closely resembling a gas mask. He then looked back to the High Mouse, who was beating a quick retreat back to his spaceship, gas mask already in place.

The knife began cutting and Flandip passed out.

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