
Rude and Crude Valentines Day (part 5)

“Carolyn, I Love you….”

“Who are you?”

“Don’t you know me Carolyn, you were always my girl”

“I am going to call the police, this is not funny!”

I reached for the phone, I starting dialing the phone signal went dead. I screamed, hoping that would scare off who ever was in the house.

I went to the window, to look out, I saw no one.

This is not funny, I remember that I left my cell phone in my bag down stairs.

I have to get to it..

“Carolyn I am waiting for you, didn’t you like my card I left for you today!.”

“Oh no, it’s him!!”
“Stop playing, this is not funny anymore!”

“It was never ment to be funny, you broke my heart now you must pay”

“My parents will be home any min. now!!”

“No, Carolyn they want, I took care of that!!”

“Who are you?, What did you do with my parents?”

“Lets just say that they are enjoying themselves!”

I ran to my parents room, hoping to find the key to the gun case.

I heard someone climbing the stairs, I panic I ran into the closet….....

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