
Meeting Wesley

It was a blue bracelet of wooden beads Molly had made the night before. “Aw, thanks! It’s nice!” Kevin said, examining the bracelet.

Molly giggled, “Well, thanks. I was hoping you’d like it.”

“What? Nothing for us?” Joe teased. Nick hit him on the arm, obviously trying to get Joe to be quiet. Molly’s face want pale. The smile that was on her face had now disapeared.

“No, no. I was just joking,” Joe said, realizing he had hurt her.

“Molly,” I tapped her on the shoulder, “he really was just joking. Don’t worry about it.” She nodded, but wasn’t convinced.

I was so happy to see the Jonas Brothers, that I had not noticed before. She was taller, and looked slightly older than I. She was wearing a hat, so I could see none of her hair.

“Um, who’s this?” I asked rather awkwardly.

“Emily, this is Wesley,” Kevin introduced us.

“Hi!” Wesley said, shaking my hand. “I’ve heard so much about you. I can’t believe what happened! And how you met the boys!”

“Hi, Wesley. Nice to meet you,” I said

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