
The Man On The Train

She could see it all in her mind, she could hear his voice, so gentle and calming. Remembering everything about it, the way his hand layed on her cheek, trying to calm her. That was so long ago, and yet she remembered everything as if it had only happened that morning.
“Miss?....Miss?” She slowly looked up towards the man. “It’s time to board Miss.”
She hesitated a moment, knowing that in boarding that train, she would be leaving behind everything that had built up to this very moment. One step onto that train, and she’d have to let go of everything, and everyone she’d ever known.
She grabbed her bag and put her ticket in her pocket, and she boarded.
She took a seat by the window, and a tear slipped down her cheek as she saw the trees start moving past her outside. “Be strong Brandi, crying only makes it worse, be strong..” She didn’t even notice the man sitting across from her as he interuppted her thoughts.
“Brandi?” Her eyes widened as she finally saw who it was that sitting across from her..

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