
Why are we on a boat?

“What are we-” Feck started to talk upon waking until the pain of standing caught up with his consciousness.

“Gods…” Yes, that was the pain. That searing, agonizing point just behind his left eye. The pain he always felt when he stood up in a strange place after drinking.

“What’s wrong with you?” Came an unfamiliar voice. Whoever was speaking didn’t sound to be feeling any better than he. A queasy feeling hit Feck and he leaned heavily on… well, whatever it was to his left.

“Is it me or is the whole world swaying,” Feck said as he turned an unpleasant shade of green.

“We are on a boat,” was the sarcastic reply he received. After opening one eye long enough to verify the boat comment, Feck sat down heavily.

“Well that’s a relief,” Feck announced. “However, I have no idea where I am or what is going on. At this point I’m surprised I remember who I am.”

“Don’t feel bad,” a soft woman’s voice. “None of us know where we are.”

“Other than that we’re on a boat,” Feck commented.



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