
awesome world

when I first landed on this virtual playground almost a year ago, I never thought an awesome feelings would become part of my everyday life. But, there it is, the game of poker is being played in such an awesome speed, in more ways, than one. The screenames covers it all, in all walks of life. I never expected it to be this awesome. I have fallen in love with all the loveable characters, and I’ve learned how to fight back in the most scary ways againts the ugly ones. It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what it is about, it’s an adventure out into an unknown world with out leaving my safety net. And what so awesome about it, is really the fact that world wide web is far more dangerous to my mental health than the real jungle up in the mountains in comparison. I know….I was born in the mountains. And understanding both sides of the world is far beyond awesome.

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