
Perfect Storm

Tom and I were driving down the highway. It was just minutes before a huge storm. We were headed East, so we were going to be right in the middle of it. I looked at Tom, and I said “Roll down the window, the air probably smells amazing right now” He followed my advice, with a confused look on his face.

I was right.. the air smelled so fresh and clear! You could feel the air change. There was this intensity to it, like it does before a storm. As the big dark clouds slowly rolled in the sun played games with the ground. It casted shadows and made things brighter, before it went back to normal.

Before long, the rain started. As always, it starts with just one drop. I watched them appear on the windshield. I counted them as they increased. Before long you saw a dash of bright light that shot through the clouds. Followed by a thunderous boom. It crackled first, bounced off all the charged air. The thunder roared before it became just a breeze. We were right in the middle of a beautiful,summer storm.

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