
Commander Prokaryotic and the Virus Fleet

The small capsule stealthily descended upon the plush outer membrane of its prey, hissing as its main hatchway opened. A minuscule speck of a humanoid life-form peeked its way out, then motioned for its fellows to follow.

All ten pulled out needle-like devices and plunged them into the soft skin, silently opening a rift that led them straight through the endoplasmic reticulum and on to the nucleus. They were in.

It was short and easy work. As soon as the nucleus door slid open, and the control officers inside saw the hijackers, they knew it was over. They surrendered without a fight.

The pirates were quick and efficient. They trussed up the captives and swiftly took control of the nucleolus.

“Calling in to Commander Prokaryotic,” droned a soldier. “Cell #24755847 is under control. Over.”

“Commander Prokaryotic here. Nice work, gentleman. Now spread out and keep up the good work.”

The members of the Virus Fleet nodded and resumed control of the cell, on to leech off the others.

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