
"Out of my mind."

I was living, but I was nonexistent. It was bliss. I felt like I was watching everything I had every experienced, in or or out of my mind, and visually flying through emotions, memories, things that I couldn’t even explain.
Then, it all stopped. I was going back. I apparently had forgot that they control all of this. I was dragged, out of my blissful nonexistence, into another twisted version of what I believe to be normal.
I was standing on a silhouetted world, I looked at my own hands. Black as soot. The sky was all red with a white orb in the sky. Twisted forms of leaf-bare trees contrasted in the atmosphere of blood. I saw a white form walking, no, floating in the distance.
It appeared to be a woman, all white. Even her parasol was white. I called to her. It looked like she turned to me. Her size shifted, but it was just her way of moving towards me.
She opened her eyes. All red, nothing else.
“Out of my mind. .dnim ym fo tuo” She said in a voice most unlike a woman’s
It was my voice.

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